Trailer Park Gods
Trailer Park Gods
Trailer Park Gods
Trailer Park Gods
Trailer Park Gods
Trailer Park Gods
Maggie's Riff
Maggie's Riff
The Ice Cream Sandwich Incident
The Ice Cream Sandwich Incident
The Ice Cream Sandwich Incident
The Ice Cream Sandwich Incident
Casa Valentina
Casa Valentina
Casa Valentina
Casa Valentina
Trailer Park Gods
Trailer Park GodsFaultLine Theater, 2015TBA Nominated for Outstanding Principal Male Actor --Rodrigues as Hades 
Trailer Park Gods
Trailer Park GodsFaultLine Theater, 2015TBA Nominated for Outstanding Principal Male Actor --Rodrigues as Hades 
Trailer Park Gods
Trailer Park GodsFaultLine Theater, 2015TBA Nominated for Outstanding Principal Male Actor --Rodrigues as Hades 
Maggie's Riff
Maggie's RiffFaultLine Theater, 2016 ProductionDirected by Cole FerraiuoloRodrigues as Jack Kerouac 
The Ice Cream Sandwich Incident
The Ice Cream Sandwich IncidentFaultLIne Theater, 2016 TBA Recommended ProductionWritten by Barry EitelDirected by James Nelson
The Ice Cream Sandwich Incident
The Ice Cream Sandwich IncidentFaultLIne Theater, 2016 TBA Recommended ProductionWritten by Barry EitelDirected by James Nelson
Casa Valentina
Casa ValentinaNew Conservatory Theatre Center2016, Title Role
Casa Valentina
Casa ValentinaNew Conservatory Theatre Center2016, Title Role
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